Registered with FDA Better Business Bureau MADE in U.S.A.


        SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA              

Buena Park    1-714-229-9178 

Garden Grove 1-714-889-1582  M


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                                     What our customers have to say.            

   I bought two hearing aids from you and could not believe the total price! It was well below what 2 other companies in the area wanted to charge me. I was very pleased how fast and professional the service was. Your 4 year warranty is the best around. I'm older and have a lot of older friends.  If I know any of them need to get a hearing aid I would definitely send them to you. Thanks again for everything.            

                                                    Jim T. Orange Calif


   My last hearing aid I bought over the internet. What a nightmare! Once they got my money the service went down hill. They were not programmed right even though I sent them a recent hearing test that I just had done. It took numerous calls to their answering service before they got back to me. It never did get it programmed right. I say that because I had to use them till I bought from you. The hearing aid you sold  me made the sounds a lot clearer then I ever heard before. You staff was very friendly and left me with the feeling that if I wasn't happy neither were they. Old fashion service like that is hard to find. Just wanted to let you know how I appreciate what you did for me.                        

                                                     Ron H. Norwalk Ca.   


   Just a note, my name is Larry E. I brought my mother in-law Shirley to your office to get a hearing test and to get a set of hearing aids. She bought the type that fit completely in the ear canal. The patients you should her was much appreciated. She told me that her hearing aids fit so comfortable compared to any she has had before, and how well they work. She said how friendly your Staff was, and it made her feel good, and that it was good to know you have several offices in the area if she ever needed any help. You don't seem to get service now a days like you gave her. Just wanted you to know how grateful she was for helping her.         

                                                     Larry E. Lapalma Ca.


   I would like to thank you for the good service you gave me when I got tested and fitted with for new hearing aids. I checked around and your pricing was the best I had found. You were even better then the companies I found on the internet. Your 4 year warranty was also the best, most were 2 or 3 years. I am so pleased with every thing and just wanted to let you know. I left with the feeling that customer service and satisfaction is very important to you. Your staff seem so friendly and professional. Thank you for the good service you showed me.

                                                    Joanne  Anaheim Ca.  


   I don't know if you remember me or not but I'm the person from Minnesota who comes to California every year in the winter. My hearing aids work really good and  I am so pleased. Your 4 year warranty and interest free financing was a total surprise. No one offers a four year warranty like you do. It made me feel safe in buying from you even though I'm from out of state. The time a employee, Mark spent with me making sure everything fit right and explaining to me how to clean them and so forth was appreciated. He made me very grateful.

                                                     Larry L. Brainerd MINN. 


   My boy-friend Jim told me you had great pricing on your hearing aids. This is why I went to your office when I felt it was time get help with my hearing. I was not disappointed! You really have good prices, and they fit and work great!

                                                     Samoan C. Anahiem Ca.


   For many years I've felt like I'm not alive. Not being able to hear anybody you feel like your living in a box. You understood my unique situation. Thanks to you I can hear again, I feel alive again! It's a miracle! Thank you Mark and staff. Your Hearing aids are life revivers.

                                                      Dennis R. Buena Park Ca.    


   My name is Mary H. I bought a blue tooth from you a couple of month's ago. It really works great! I would also like to thank you for getting me interest free financing. I live on a fixed income and could not have paid for this out of pocket. Also thanks for the friendly service. I will send any body I know who needs a hearing aid to you. Thank you very much.

                                                  Mary H. Norwalk Calif.        


   Please tell us of your past experience with us, we would be glad to know as it helps us to continue to provide excellent services to our clients. You can e/mail us below, just click.

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